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Thank you for all you do and all you give – you make a big difference.

The past two weeks have been considerably more challenging than normal for all of us at Great Plains SPCA. Arctic temperatures, combined with losing heat and electricity in our Pet Adoption Center, have required our team to remain creative and diligent in problem solving to ensure the best care for our animals. Last week when our heat went out, we moved all our animals from our Pet Adoption Center building to our Admissions and Shelter Medicine building. Although the heat is still not fully fixed, we have found ways to keep everyone safe and warm.

Our HERO Team (Humane. Education. Resources. Outreach.) works with the most vulnerable in our community and given these frigid temperatures, the requests to help outside pets in need has significantly increased. We are lucky to work with other outreach groups in the area and together ensure that as many pets as possible are getting the help they need. Raising awareness of the dangers to pets left outside when there are no laws defining minimum temperatures, makes the work much harder, but we are thankful for the local news media who have been amazing in sharing stories of the work we do and why pets cannot survive outside in this brutal weather. Thank you to Fox 4, 41 Action News, KCTV5, The Pitch and Kansas City Star for their coverage. Click here for more News & Media coverage.

Smoke is one of many dogs brought in from the field during these freezing temperatures. Click here to see Smoke’s journey from tethered outside dog to safe at Great Plains SPCA.

It has been a tough few weeks, but through it all I am reminded not only of the resilience of our team but of the incredible generosity and support of our amazing donors like you.

Thank you for all you do and all you give – you make a big difference.

Tam Singer CEO, Great Plains SPCA
CEO, Great Plains SPCA

Smoke at Great Plains SPCA moments after he arrived at the shelter with Tam and the Team.

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