Dangerous temperatures are on the rise in Kansas City and outdoor pets are at risk! Our incredible HERO Team has been out in the heat providing resources such as umbrellas for shade, water bowls, frozen treats, and more for pets living outside.
It is very difficult to cope with the rising temperatures and thick humidity. With the intense heat wave coming through, please follow these tips to ensure the safety of your pets:
- Keep your pets indoors if possible.
- Limit exercise of pets to early morning or evening hours.
- Don’t rely on a fan.
- Provide ample water and shade.
- Watch for signs of heatstroke such as heavy panting, excessive thirst, and lethargy.
- Provide your pets with DIY popsicles or cool treats.

GPSPCA’s HERO Team will provide supplies to owners of pets in need including tarps to create shade, water bowls and other supplies. Requests can be made at hero@greatplainsspca.org.
If you know of an animal in danger due to the extreme heat, report it to your local animal control agency (link to these agencies can be found here).
Please consider donating to our HERO Team during our Lend A Paw donation drive as they continue to fight and provide for animals in our community during this heat.