We are thrilled to be participating in the Missouri Department of Correction’s Puppies for Parole Program, in which selected offenders in Missouri Correctional Facilities have the opportunity to become trainers to shelter dogs. Puppies for Parole is a training program that allows Great Plains SPCA adoptable dogs to receive one-on-one training and socialization from select offenders while living at a Missouri Department of Corrections Facility.
In Puppies for Parole, dogs learn basic obedience skills, receive plenty of exercise and live with their trainers full time. The program increases the adoptability of the dogs that participate and promotes adoption to a broader community. Since the program started in 2010, more than 6,000 dogs have graduated from training and have been adopted.
The program also benefits the participating offenders, teaching them vocational skills and responsibilities, providing an opportunity to give back to the community and decreases recidivism rates after release, among many things.
Participating dogs can be adopted anytime during the program by contacting Jami Luce at jluce@greatplainsspca.org. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response when making inquiries with the program coordinator. If the dogs are not adopted during their training session at the correctional facility, they will return to our Pet Adoption Center and be available for adoption.
Look for the Puppies for Parole badge on the corner of our adoptable dogs profile pics for dogs currently participating in the program.
Current Participants



