Once extremely shut down and fearful, Athens and Boston have made incredible strides in their Foster home and are now ready to move on to their forever.
Athens and Boston were networked to us through the ASPCA from a rural shelter in Iowa. Not knowing much about their past, we must assume they were neglected due to how severe their fearfulness and under socialization was. They huddled in the corner of any room they entered and were terrified of human touch. They could not be leashed—the only way we could get them outside was to corral them into a crate which we then carried to a fenced yard.

Luckily, they have spent the last six weeks in a loving Foster home and have made incredible progress! They eagerly accept petting from their Foster mom, walk on a leash in the backyard, effortlessly jump into the back of her car, and are starting to show their silly sides. They have had no accidents since their first few nights, are very food motivated and are extremely in-tune with their daily routine.
Their Foster mom says she has done nothing extraordinary, only given these boys the love they deserve as they wait for their forever home. Lucky for them, their forever home may be right around the corner! They had a very promising meet and greet with a lovely family this past weekend who is considering adopting them.

Your support means we can provide second chances to pets like Athens and Boston. Donate today to have your impact matched by a generous anonymous donor! Donors who make a single contribution of $250 or more get their name on our Community Heroes Donor Recognition Wall.