The generous acts of a good Samaritan saved the lives of these four-legged friends. When the owner of Mitchell, Gaucho, and Camaro passed away, a kind-hearted person knew that the dogs were living alone at the owner’s house with no care, food or water. She jumped into action, packed them all in her car and drove them to Great Plains SPCA.
When they first arrived, their condition showed that they had been living outside. All three were covered in fleas and had flystrike on their ears. Flystrike is open wounds on the skin caused by flies constantly biting the flesh.

Our Shelter Medicine Team ran tests which revealed that Camaro had contracted hookworms and Mitchell was heartworm positive. Heartworm treatment is an expensive process, costing upwards of $2,000 for one animal. To encourage adoption of heartworm positive dogs, Great Plains SPCA absorbs all heartworm treatment costs, even after the dog is adopted.
Thanks to the kind Samaritan, these pups are now safe with us, on the road to recovery and available for adoption. We count on supporters like YOU to help us save animals like Mitchell, Gaucho and Camaro and assure they find their forever homes. Please consider donating during our Lend A Paw campaign and help us reach our goal of $350,000.