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Ferdinand deserves his Home for the Holidays

Ferdinand was brought to the shelter in June when his owner sadly passed away. From living in a home his entire 10-year-old life to living in the shelter, Ferdinand had a hard time adjusting. He seemed unhappy, grumpy and sometimes lashed out despite our team’s best efforts to care for him well. He entered a Foster home a few months after being in a shelter but was unsuccessful there too. We were finally able to determine that Ferdinand becomes stressed when around other cats and with large amounts of time alone. Since returning to the shelter, Ferdinand is living in a staff member’s office and is thriving! He is playful, soliciting attention, enjoying petting and friendly with all people. Now all that’s missing is his forever home!


Ferdinand will thrive in a home without other cats and will do best with children eight and up. Please help us share Ferdinand’s story! He deserves his home for the holidays. 

Our average cost of care for pet is $751, but for long-term pets like Ferdinand, the cost to care for them is much higher. Donate today during our Home for the Holidays match campaign.

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