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Alumni with cleft lip back at Great Plains SPCA

Last year at only a couple of weeks old, Phillip was surrendered to Great Plains SPCA with his brother after his mother had passed away from an infected uterus. He is the sweetest boy born with a cleft lip that makes him extra special! 

As a puppy, his cute and sweet disposition got him adopted to a family very quickly, but over the past nine months, the family who adopted him decided they could no longer care for him and returned him to us.

His lip does not affect his day-to-day life and he is able to eat, drink and play normally. We love Philip and won’t give up on him until he finds his “true” forever home! 

We could not help pets like Philip without your support. Please consider donating today during our Lend A Paw donation drive to help us reach our goal of $350,000.

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