We believe every animal in our care deserves the best chance at happiness. Sometimes animals find it difficult to adjust to a shelter environment or need to recover from a medical condition before being made available for adoption. Our Foster program offers the opportunity for animals who are struggling or who require a little extra care, to relax in a home environment. Our amazing Fosters provide loving homes, where animals can destress and let their true personalities show. Following are benefits to opening your home up to a foster pet.
1. Foster homes help shelter pets shine.
Shelter life can be a scary place for some animals. Great Plains SPCA is a world-class shelter and we do our best to make sure the animals are comfortable, have plenty of toys, treats and enrichment time, however, even the best shelter can stress an animal and cause them to display undesirable behaviors. Once out of the shelter environment, many animals relax, and those behaviors diminish or disappear altogether. We learn their true personalities and they become more adoptable.
2. Teach your foster pet new skills in your home.
If you’ve got the time, they’ve got the energy! Shelter pets are eager to please and love to learn new tricks. Some shelter dogs come from working breeds and need the extra stimulation of learning a new job to help curb less desirable behavior. Plus, the more tricks the animal can learn, the more attractive the animal looks to potential adopters!
3. You could be matchmaker for your foster pet.

Every walk through a neighborhood, every stop for a pup cup at the local coffee shop, everywhere you go with your foster pet is an opportunity to play match maker for your furry friend. Fostering a pet that can’t travel? Social media is the purrrfect way to capture those special moments only a Foster family has access to. So spread the word and your foster pet could be the next big thing!
4. You’ll be saving more than one life by fostering.
When you foster a pet, you help save more than one animal! Each foster pet placed in a Foster home opens space at the shelter to another pet who deserves a chance at happiness. In some cases, such as fostering a litter of puppies or kittens, you can help save several lives.
5. Fostering is a temporary commitment with a lifetime of rewards.

Having a pet is a rewarding experience but it is also a commitment of time. We understand pet ownership may not be the best for those with a busy schedule. Fostering is a great option for those on the move who want to make a lasting impact on an animal and the community that cares for them. We offer foster opportunities that fit your lifestyle and that best benefits the animal’s needs. Whether it’s a few weeks, a weekend stay or an afternoon at the park, fostering a shelter pet is a rewarding experience for you and the animal.
Each animal deserves a chance at happiness and the opportunities to be seen at their best. Great Plains SPCA provides all medical care, food, toys, and other supplies as needed. All a Foster family is required to provide is their home and their love! If you would like to foster a shelter pet or are interested in foster-to-adopt opportunities, please visit our Foster page to get started!